domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2015

unidad 4: La Población.

En esta unidad los criterios de evaluación van a ser los siguientes:
-comprender el concepto de población absoluta, identificar pirámides de población, gráficos de barras y diagramas sectoriales.
-comprender los conceptos demográficos.
-distinguir los principales rasgos de la población española y europea.
-analizar los movimientos migratorios de la población española.

enlaces español:


Population pyramids.

 The graph represents the entire world population, sorted by age and gender, with the youngest at the bottom and the oldest at the top. Each age level grouping is called a cohort.

2nd sesión: Working sectors
3rd sesión: distribution of the population

Art:The way a population is spaced across an area is driven largely by food supply and other resources. In uniform distribution, organisms are spread out in a fairly regular pattern. This occurs often where individuals must compete for a limiting resource, such as water or light. Desert shrubs and redwood trees grow in a uniform distribution—shrubs compete for water, while redwoods compete for light. Random distribution occurs where resources are distributed evenly or sporadically. Dandelions grow in a random pattern, as do many other plants whose seeds are distributed by wind. Clumped distributions are found in places where resources are patchy. Mammals in arid environments have a clumped distribution owing to the patchy distribution of watering holes. The way a population is spaced across an area is driven largely by food supply and other resources. In uniform distribution, organisms are spread out in a fairly regular pattern. This occurs often where individuals must compete for a limiting resource, such as water or light. Desert shrubs and redwood trees grow in a uniform distribution—shrubs compete for water, while redwoods compete for light. Random distribution occurs where resources are distributed evenly or sporadically. Dandelions grow in a random pattern, as do many other plants whose seeds are distributed by wind. Clumped distributions are found in places where resources are patchy. Mammals in arid environments have a clumped distribution owing to the patchy distribution of watering holes.

4th sesión: migration movements

Human migration is the movement by people from one place to another with the intentions of settling temporarily or permanently in the new location. The movement is typically over long distances and from one country to another, but internal migration is also possible. Migration may be individuals, family units or in large groups.[2]
Nomadic movements are normally not regarded as migrations as there is no intention to settle in the new place and because the movement is generally seasonal. Only a few nomadic peoples have retained this form of lifestyle in modern times. Also, the temporary movement of people for the purpose of travel, tourism, pilgrimages, or the commute is not regarded as migration, in the absence of an intention to live and settle in the visited places.


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